10 Tips for Dealing with Someone's Narcissistic Personality Traits

Dealing with someone who has narcissistic personality traits can be challenging. Here are ten tips to help you navigate such interactions effectively:

1. Set Clear Boundaries


Establish and enforce boundaries to protect your emotional well-being. Narcissists often push limits, so be firm and consistent with your boundaries.


  • Be Clear: Communicate your boundaries explicitly.

  • Stay Firm: Do not allow the narcissist to manipulate or guilt-trip you into bending your rules.

  • Consistency: Maintain your boundaries consistently over time.


  • Psychology Today

2. Avoid Engaging in Arguments


Narcissists often thrive on conflict and may twist arguments to make you feel at fault. Avoid getting drawn into unnecessary confrontations.


  • Stay Calm: Keep your composure during interactions.

  • Deflect and Redirect: Politely change the subject or leave the conversation if it becomes contentious.

  • Refuse to Engage: Do not respond to provocations intended to incite an argument.


  • GoodTherapy

3. Focus on Self-Care


Prioritizing your own mental and emotional health is crucial when dealing with a narcissist. Engage in activities that promote your well-being.


  • Mindfulness: Practice mindfulness and meditation to manage stress.

  • Physical Activity: Engage in regular exercise to boost your mood.

  • Hobbies: Pursue activities that bring you joy and relaxation.


4. Seek Support


Having a strong support system can help you cope with the challenges of dealing with a narcissist. Reach out to friends, family, or support groups.


  • Talk to Friends: Share your experiences with trusted friends or family members.

  • Join Groups: Consider joining support groups for those dealing with narcissistic relationships.

  • Professional Help: Seek counseling or therapy if needed.


5. Don't Take It Personally


Narcissists often project their own insecurities and issues onto others. Recognize that their behavior is a reflection of them, not you.


  • Perspective: Understand that their actions stem from their personality disorder.

  • Detach Emotionally: Try to detach emotionally from their hurtful behaviors.

  • Self-Validation: Rely on your own validation rather than seeking it from the narcissist.


6. Limit Exposure


If possible, limit the amount of time you spend with the narcissist to reduce your exposure to their toxic behavior.


  • Minimize Interactions: Limit face-to-face interactions to necessary encounters.

  • Safe Distance: Maintain a safe emotional distance to protect yourself.

  • Control Contact: Use methods of communication that you can control, such as emails or texts.


  • Healthline

7. Stay Informed


Educate yourself about narcissistic personality traits and behaviors to better understand what you’re dealing with.


  • Research: Read books and articles on narcissism and its effects.

  • Attend Workshops: Participate in workshops or seminars on dealing with difficult personalities.

  • Therapeutic Sessions: Discuss your situation with a therapist for professional insights.


  • Psychology Today

8. Avoid Over-Sharing


Narcissists can use personal information against you. Be cautious about sharing details of your life, especially your vulnerabilities.


  • Be Selective: Share only what is necessary and safe.

  • Maintain Privacy: Keep personal and sensitive information private.

  • Control the Narrative: Be mindful of how much information you provide.


  • PsychCentral

9. Practice Assertiveness


Being assertive allows you to stand up for yourself without being aggressive. This helps in maintaining your boundaries and self-respect.


  • Use “I” Statements: Express your feelings and needs clearly and respectfully.

  • Stay Calm: Maintain a calm demeanor while asserting yourself.

  • Be Direct: Communicate your needs and expectations directly.


  • Verywell Mind

10. Plan an Exit Strategy


If the relationship with the narcissist is abusive and harmful, planning an exit strategy is essential for your safety and well-being.


  • Seek Advice: Consult with professionals or trusted individuals to plan your exit.

  • Prepare Resources: Ensure you have financial and emotional resources in place.

  • Take Action: When ready, take the necessary steps to distance yourself or leave the relationship.


Conclusion: Taking Control of Your Life

Dealing with someone who has narcissistic personality traits requires patience, resilience, and strategic action. By setting boundaries, seeking support, and focusing on self-care, you can protect yourself and maintain your well-being.

At Moriel Mental Health (MMH), we specialize in helping individuals navigate relationships with narcissists. Our therapists provide comprehensive support to help you cope and recover. Please contact us to book an appointment. We work all throughout California and are here to support you.



How to Know if You Are a Victim of a Narcissist


How to Survive Being a Victim of a Narcissist