How do I know if my family needs therapy?

Family therapy can be a valuable resource for families facing various challenges. It helps improve communication, resolve conflicts, and strengthen family bonds. Here are some signs that indicate your family might benefit from therapy:

1. Persistent Conflicts


Frequent and unresolved arguments between family members can create a toxic environment. If conflicts seem to persist without resolution, it might be time to seek professional help.


  • Ongoing disputes about the same issues.

  • Escalation of arguments into verbal or physical altercations.

  • Inability to reach compromises or agreements.


2. Communication Breakdown


Effective communication is crucial for a healthy family dynamic. If family members struggle to communicate their thoughts and feelings, it can lead to misunderstandings and resentment.


  • Avoidance of important conversations.

  • Misunderstandings and misinterpretations of each other's words.

  • Frequent accusations and blame-shifting during discussions.


3. Major Life Transitions


Significant changes in the family structure or lifestyle can create stress and disrupt family harmony. Family therapy can provide support during these transitions.


  • Divorce or separation.

  • Blending of families through remarriage.

  • Relocation to a new area.


  • American Association for Marriage and Family Therapy (AAMFT)

  • GoodTherapy

4. Behavioral Issues


Behavioral problems in children or adolescents can be a sign of underlying family issues. Addressing these problems early can prevent them from escalating.


  • Changes in behavior such as aggression, defiance, or withdrawal.

  • Academic problems or declining performance in school.

  • Issues with substance abuse or risky behaviors.


  • Mental Health America

  • Healthline

5. Mental Health Concerns


Mental health issues affecting one or more family members can have a significant impact on the entire family dynamic. Therapy can help address these issues and provide coping strategies.


  • Symptoms of depression, anxiety, or other mental health disorders.

  • Family members experiencing stress or burnout from caregiving responsibilities.

  • Chronic illness or disability affecting a family member.


6. Trauma or Loss


Traumatic events or the loss of a loved one can profoundly affect family members. Therapy can help families process their emotions and support each other through difficult times.


  • Difficulty coping with the death of a family member.

  • Unresolved grief or prolonged mourning.

  • Experiences of trauma such as abuse, accidents, or natural disasters.


Conclusion: The Benefits of Seeking Help

Recognizing the signs that your family may need therapy is the first step towards healing and improving your family dynamics. Family therapy can provide the tools and support necessary to navigate these challenges, leading to stronger and healthier relationships.

At Moriel Mental Health (MMH), we offer comprehensive family therapy services to help families navigate their challenges and build stronger, more resilient relationships. Our sessions are typically free to most insurance providers, and if you are paying out of pocket, the copay is usually around $20 per session. Please contact us to book an appointment and start your journey towards a healthier family dynamic. We work all throughout California and are here to support you.


What is the Success Rate of Family Therapy?


The Disadvantages of Family Therapy