How much does therapy cost in Riverside California?

The cost of a therapy session in California can vary widely based on several factors, including the therapist’s experience, the type of therapy, and the location. On average, therapy sessions in California range from $100 to $250 per hour. Some therapists may offer sliding scale fees based on income, and many insurance plans, including Medicare, can cover part or all of the costs, reducing out-of-pocket expenses significantly.

Affordable Therapy Options:

  • Insurance Coverage: Many insurance plans, including Medicare, cover mental health services, making sessions more affordable.

  • Sliding Scale Fees: Some therapists adjust their fees based on the client's ability to pay.


Therapy can be affordable, especially with insurance coverage or sliding scale options. At Moriel Mental Health (MMH), we accept most insurances, making therapy accessible and affordable, often with copays as low as $20 per session. Contact us for more information and to book an appointment. We work throughout California and are here to support your mental health needs.


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