What’s It Like Accepting Gender as an Older Adult?

Transitioning as an older adult is a unique and deeply personal journey. Here’s what it can be like:

1. Emotional Experience


  • Fear and Uncertainty: Concerns about acceptance and the physical impacts of transitioning.

  • Regret: Some may feel regret about not transitioning earlier.


  • Relief and Joy: Living authentically often brings significant emotional relief and happiness.

  • Increased Self-Esteem: Greater confidence and satisfaction with life.

2. Social Interactions

Family and Friends

  • Mixed Reactions: Responses from family and friends can range from supportive to challenging.

  • Building New Relationships: Finding support in LGBTQ+ communities and making new connections.


  • Workplace Transition: Navigating coming out and transitioning in professional settings can be complex.

3. Physical and Medical Aspects

Medical Transition

  • Health Considerations: Older adults may have different health considerations that need to be managed alongside hormone therapy and surgeries.

  • Healthcare Access: Finding knowledgeable and supportive healthcare providers is crucial.

Physical Changes

  • Hormone Therapy: Physical changes may take longer and can be different from those experienced by younger individuals.

  • Surgical Options: Older adults can still undergo gender-affirming surgeries, though recovery may vary.

4. Legal and Practical Aspects

Legal Documentation

  • Changing Legal Documents: Updating names and gender markers on legal documents can be an important step for living authentically.

Financial Considerations

  • Cost of Transition: Managing the financial aspects of medical treatments and surgeries, which can be substantial.


Transitioning as an older adult involves navigating emotional, social, medical, and practical challenges. However, it can also bring profound relief, joy, and a sense of authenticity. Every journey is unique, and there is support available to help you navigate this path.

Contact Moriel Mental Health

At Moriel Mental Health (MMH), we provide comprehensive support for transgender individuals of all ages. Our experienced therapists are here to assist you through your journey. Contact us to book an appointment. We work throughout California and are here to support you.


Who Treats Older Adults for Transgender Therapy?


How to Transition as an Older Adult