Five Examples in Conversation of Gaslighting Behavior

Gaslighting is a manipulative tactic used to make someone doubt their own perceptions and reality. Here are five examples of gaslighting behavior in conversations:

1. Denial of Events


You: "I remember you clearly saying you would pick me up at 6 PM yesterday." Gaslighter: "I never said that. You're imagining things."


The gaslighter denies something that happened, making you question your memory.

2. Trivializing Feelings


You: "I feel really hurt by what you said." Gaslighter: "You're just being overly sensitive. It's not a big deal."


The gaslighter minimizes your feelings, making you feel that your emotions are invalid.

3. Shifting Blame


You: "Why did you break your promise to me?" Gaslighter: "If you weren't so needy, I wouldn't have to break promises."


The gaslighter shifts the blame onto you, diverting attention from their own behavior.

4. Withholding Information


You: "Why didn't you tell me about the meeting?" Gaslighter: "I didn't think it was important for you to know."


The gaslighter withholds information, making you feel excluded and questioning your involvement.

5. Using Confusion


You: "You said you would take care of it, but it’s still not done." Gaslighter: "You must have misunderstood. I never agreed to that."


The gaslighter creates confusion by contradicting themselves, making you question your understanding.


Recognizing gaslighting behavior is crucial for maintaining your emotional well-being and asserting your reality. If you encounter such behaviors, consider seeking support from trusted individuals or mental health professionals.

At Moriel Mental Health (MMH), we specialize in helping victims of gaslighting and narcissistic abuse. Our therapists provide compassionate and effective treatment. Please contact us to book an appointment. We work all throughout California and are here to support you.


What is Gaslighting? Examples and How to Respond


Ten Signs You Are Being Gaslit