What does high functioning mental illness look like?

High functioning mental illness refers to individuals who manage to maintain a relatively normal life despite struggling with significant mental health issues. Here are some common characteristics:


1. Anxiety and Depression

Overview: Persistent feelings of anxiety and depression that may not be obvious to others. Individuals often mask these feelings to appear functional.

2. Perfectionism

Overview: Setting excessively high standards and feeling intense pressure to meet them, often resulting in stress and burnout.

3. Overworking

Overview: Using work as a coping mechanism to distract from underlying issues, leading to potential workaholism.

4. Isolation

Overview: Despite appearing sociable and engaged, individuals may withdraw emotionally and avoid discussing their struggles.

5. Physical Symptoms

Overview: Experiencing physical symptoms like headaches, fatigue, or digestive issues due to chronic stress and anxiety.

Managing High Functioning Mental Illness

Seeking Therapy

Overview: Therapy can provide tools and strategies to manage symptoms effectively.

Self-Care Practices

Overview: Incorporating regular self-care routines, such as exercise, meditation, and hobbies, to maintain mental health.

Support Systems

Overview: Building a support network of friends, family, or support groups to share experiences and reduce isolation.


Overview: In some cases, medication may be prescribed to help manage symptoms more effectively.


High functioning mental illness can be challenging to recognize, but it's important to seek help and support. Therapy, self-care, and strong support systems can make a significant difference.

Contact Moriel Mental Health

At Moriel Mental Health (MMH), our experienced therapists provide compassionate and effective treatment for various mental health issues. Contact us to book an appointment. We work throughout California and are here to support you.


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